: Gallery
Shape , by Miss Cooke
We are learning about shape!, by Miss Shallcross
Pizza Express Visit, by Mrs Trasler
World book day , by Miss Johnson
Trade, by Miss Johnson
Dissolving , by Miss Johnson
6O World Book Day, by Mrs O'Reilly
1C World Book Day, by Miss Cooke
5T World Book Day, by Mr Tebb
What the ladybird heard, by Mrs Trasler
Reading Partners , by Miss Wortley
Reading Buddies, by Mr Allaby
Reading with Reception, by Miss Aldous
World Book Day, by Mr Jenkins
The Smartest Giant in Town! , by Miss Wortley
World Book Day!, by Miss Trasler
3W - WBD Costumes, by Mr White
World Book Day 2020, by Miss Wortley
World Book Day Costumes, by Miss Aldous
World Book Day, by Mr Allaby
3W - Proudly Presenting, by Mr White
Natural Selection, by Mrs Megram
Year 3 Mardi Gras masks, by Mrs Webb
Natural Selection, by Mrs O'Reilly
Planting sunflowers, by Miss Aldous