: Gallery
The King of Tiny Things , by Miss Hargreaves
Year One celebrate World Book Day , by Miss Hargreaves
3W - World Book Day Costumes, by Mr White
World Book Day, by Dr Austin
World Book Day across the School , by Miss Rowark
Reception & Year 5 Buddy Reading , by Miss Rowark
World Book Day Winners , by Miss Rowark
Dressed up with a good book in Reception, by Miss Rowark
All dressed up for World Book Day!, by Mr Muirhead
Our World Book Day costumes!, by Miss Aldous
Year 3 Mardi Gras masks, by Mrs Webb
2M floating boats, by Mrs Cook
2A floating boats, by Mrs Cook
Bridge building, by Miss Cooling
Y6 making pizzas, by Mrs Snowball
5M showing off some of our finished cranes from D&T Week , by Mr Muirhead
5M constructing their cranes for D&T Week, by Mr Muirhead
5M using levers to create a pantograph, by Mr Muirhead
5M designing their cranes and testing their ideas, by Mr Muirhead
5M making and experimenting with pulleys for D&T Week, by Mr Muirhead
5M making gears for D&T Week, by Mr Muirhead
PCSO visit in EYFS , by Miss Hall
Our Puppets!, by Miss Aldous
3W - Da Vinci bridges, by Mr White
3W - Truss bridges, by Mr White