: Gallery
21.9.23 The Great Fire of London, by Miss Roberts
The Great Fire of London!, by Mrs Fesmer
Construction Play in EYFS, by Miss Rowark
Sorting in Maths, by Miss Rowark
Teeth, by Mrs Harvey
Year 6W - Computing - Coding an Algorithm, by Mr White
The Whale, by Mrs Harvey
Art!, by Miss Edwards
Year 6 Science - Light, by Mr White
Science: VR Space Travel, by Miss Edwards
Hockey, by Mr Bevan
Reading numbers to 10, by Miss Lawden
Writing numbers to 10, by Mrs Griffin
Class 4J - Library, by Mrs Jones
Class 4J- Writing, by Mrs Jones
Year 4 Maths, by Mrs Jones
R2, by Mrs Trasler
15.9.23 Maths and Computing, by Mrs Fesmer
Drama, by Mr Bevan
History, by Mr Bevan
VR headsets introduction, by Mr Bevan
R1's first trip to the school library, by Miss Rowark
Locomotion!, by Miss Lawden
6W - Music, Science and Personal Development, by Mr White
Tens and Ones, by Mrs Fesmer