Our Gallery

1 to 1 Counting, by Miss Shallcross

Reading and phonics, by Miss Cooke

Class 4J - SCRATCH, by Mrs Jones

Investigating Pitch, by Mrs Cook

Perfect Place Value, by Miss Johnson

Writing - immerse, by Mr Bevan

Maths, by Mr Bevan

South America, by Mr Allaby

Music, by Mr Bevan

Class 4J - Music, by Mrs Jones

A very busy week in R1..., by Mrs Trasler

R2's school library visit, by Miss Rowark

Another busy week in R2..., by Miss Rowark

Perfect Place Value, by Miss Aldous

5BE, by Mr Bevan

Year 6 Music, by Mr White

Artefacts, by Miss Cooke

Sound and Vibrations, by Mrs Cook

Investigating vibrations, by Mr Allaby

Locating cities, by Mr Allaby

Representing numbers, by Miss Shallcross

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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