2C: Gallery
ICT Green Screen, by Miss Cotterill
Petty Pool, by Miss Cotterill
Science - Worms, by Miss Roberts
Maths - money, by Miss Cotterill
Bog Baby Designing, by Miss Cotterill
Science - Living things and their habitats, by Miss Cotterill
Fun in the snow!, by Miss Roberts
KS1 Nativity, by Miss Cotterill
Christmas Dinner, by Miss Roberts
Reindeer Rush, by Miss Cotterill
2C Science, by Miss Cotterill
Infant Christingle 2024, by Miss Rowark
DT Week - Snow Globes, by Miss Cotterill
Year 2 Library Visit, by Miss Cotterill
Fire Sevice Visit - Bonfire Night, by Miss Roberts
Art in 2C, by Miss Cotterill
Maths - adding using different methods, by Miss Cotterill
Computing time!, by Miss Cotterill
National Poetry Day - Performances, by Miss Roberts
Harvest Festival 2024, by Mrs Jones
Our Art creations, by Miss Cotterill
Maths - estimating and comparing, by Miss Cotterill
European Languages Day, by Miss Cotterill
Recognising tens and ones in Maths, by Miss Cotterill
Art afternoon, by Miss Cotterill