: Gallery
Storyboards in R1, by Mrs Trasler
Outdoor EYFS learning, by Miss Rowark
Story boards and helicopter stories, by Miss Rowark
Making Plasticine Pumpkins in Art, by Miss Shallcross
Number bonds to 20, by Miss Cooke
Melting Chocolate, by Mr Allaby
First Aid, by Mr Burke
Bean Planting, by Mrs Trasler
First Aid, by Mr Bevan
Mud kitchen fun, by Miss Rowark
Ice hands, by Mr Allaby
Bean planting in R2, by Miss Rowark
Year 1 using instruments, by Miss Shallcross
Year 6 - Life on Earth, by Mr White
Dates in French, by Mrs Webb
Les animaux, by Mrs Webb
Money money money!, by Miss Aldous
Les animaux, by Mrs Webb
Talking about our town in French, by Mrs Webb
Les couleurs!, by Mrs Webb
Christmas cards from France!, by Mrs Webb
Tune of the text, by Mr Allaby
Year 1 Yoga, by Miss Shallcross
Christmas Week, by Miss Aldous
EYFS Christmas Party, by Miss Rowark