Our Gallery
Frozen Planet, by Mr Allaby
Aliens really do love underpants!, by Miss Rowark
Antarctica, by Mrs Oldfield
R1 Space Station Creations! , by Miss Humphreys
Space Homework Mission in R2 , by Miss Rowark
Outdoor Learning in Reception , by Miss Rowark
Calculation City Zoo, by Mr Myers
Greek Myths, by Miss Saven
Reception class learn a new French rhyme , by Mrs Webb
Les lettres de Year 6 sont arrivées à Congleton!, by Mrs Webb
Our Amazing Art! , by Mr Shaw
The Mannequin Challenge, by Dr Austin
Investigating Sound, by Mrs Snowball
Remembrance Day in Reception , by Miss Rowark
Autumn activities , by Miss Hargreaves
Year 4 get to grips with the French alphabet, by Mrs Webb
Year 5 in action!, by Mrs Webb
Harvest Festival, by Mrs Megram
Our Gruffalo Display, by Mr Myers
Harvest, by Mrs Snowball
Generate Drama, by Mrs Rodrigues
Smiley face rewards in French!, by Mrs Webb
Drama experience, by Dr Austin
Drama workshop - 3W, by Mr White
A Very interesting Verb lesson!, by Miss Aldous