World Book Day!
Lesson: English
It's World Book Day and we are celebrating in Year 2 by sharing our favourite books and characters with our friends. If we wanted to, we came to school dressed as our favourite book character with the book alongside to share too. It was great to explore new books of all different genres too! We enjoyed a World Book Day assembly, with the masked reader game - which was really fun! Did you know Marcus Rashford is reading 'Super-potato'? We learnt about different authors and new books written by authors we are already familliar with, from our Year 2 class library and reading spine. We then created our own magical stories, based on our live workshop with author Micheal Rosen. We created colouful storyboards and shared these with 2R.
We also paired up to share stories and read with Class 5B!
A wonderful World Book Day, all focused on our love for reading and different authors. We used our love for reading and books, to become authors ourselves!