What time is it?

Lesson: Maths

Class 1H have been working really hard this week on beginning to tell the time. After thinking about days of the week, months of the year and seasons last week it was time to get the clocks out. The children have throughly enjoyed the challenge of getting to grips with o' clock and half past times with many thinking carefully about what time it would be an hour or half an hour after given times. 

Today we made estimates of what we could do in a minute with activities like writing their name, jumping, singing 'Happy Birthday' and taking their jumper on and off being counted. Some were very shocked to see that they could do far less than they expected but it has given all the children a good understanding of the concept of 1 minute!

Keep practising telling the time at home and encourage your children to discuss things that they might do at different times of the day. 

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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