Spooky Skeletons

Lesson: Science

We are have been looking at healthy bodies in our class. These first couple of weeks have been focussing on skeletons and different body parts. In this lesson the children danced to Dem Bones as a hook into their learning, to help with naming different body parts, and to help with directional movements. After this they were given models of skeletons which they had to reorganise and stick in their books. They were then given a list of vocabulary which they had to label alongside their skeletons. Those who finished early had to prepare a presentation for the class on some aspect of the body. These children chose to focus on broken bones as one particular had just been nursing an injury!

These photos were all taken by the children.

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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