Our trip to Manchester Museum

This week we have enjoyed a brilliant trip to Manchester Museum - we had a fantastic day and were all superstars, making the teachers and parents very proud! 

We arrived early to be greeted by our museum guide who turned half of us into paleontologists whilst the other half became explorers. In our paleontology work we learnt about dinosaurs and fossils, whilst showing off some excellent acting skills at the same time! We were introduced to Stan the T.Rex and we got to become dinosaur hunters on our own Fossil trail. 

As well as learning all about dinosaurs we also explored the museum and loved seeing all the different animals and skeletons. It was really fun guessing which bones belonged to which animals (and asking the adults some very tricky questions to try and answer!)

A fantastic day was had by all and I am sure you had some very sleepy children at home time! Thank you to everyone who helped make the day a roaring success! 


Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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