Music in Year Two

Lesson: Music

In Music in Year Two we have been looking at percussion instruments and how we play them and dynamics (the Italian word for volume). The children were able to play on a wide range of percussion instruments from bongos to Indian bells, from tambours to triangles and greatly enjoyed doing so. They learnt the Italian words (musical vocabulary is nearly always written in Italian) for loud (forte), quiet (piano) and medium loud (mezzo forte). Children were invited to become conductors for afternoon and direct their friends and later small groups in when to play different dynamics on their instruments. They finally created graphic scores to show their friends when to play different dynamics and lead them through this before performing for the class. After each performance, the rest of the class analysed their performance deciding whether or not they had used a full and great range of dynamics. What a busy afternoon! 

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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