Food tasting

Lesson: PSHE and citizenship

4H enjoyed finishing off our topic of 'Food and Nutrition' with a food testing session of food from around the world.  We started off with our local Staffordshire oatcakes and Kosher Matzo crackers; visited Europe for Spanish olives, Polish kabanos and Greek feta cheese; to Africa for watermelon; then to Asia for prawn crackers, persimmon, biryani and kebabs before visiting the Americas for plaintain chips and Jamaican sasparilla squash!  

Some children found new favourite foods, while others decided they were never touching the food ever again but all were great at describing the food and telling us their preferences! I think we have some future restaurant/food critics in our midst!


Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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