Fantastic fun with the fish!
Lesson: EYFS
R1 had an amazing time at Sealife Manchester at the Trafford Centre on their trip today (21st June). The children were all very excited, some just about the prospect of going on the bus! When we arrived we started with a workshop 'Home Sweet Home' where we talked about what an animal would need in its habitat. We did a sorting activity of things they would and wouldn't need and then used this information to help us create our own habitat pictures for an animal of our choice. R1 all listened beautifully and answered our workshop leader's questions brilliantly based on what they had heard at the workshop and what we had talked about at school already.
After that it was time for an explore of the centre itself. It was fantastic to see the animals up close and the children enjoyed seeing not just fish but sharks, a giant octopus, seahorses and most people's favourite - Ernie the turtle. We even got to touch a starfish and some of us were tickled by a cleaner shrimp! We loved looking at the prehistoric artefacts from fish too and got to see up close the size of a shark's jaws.
We were lucky enough to listen to the guides talking about some of the animals and we learned some amazing facts. After lunch we just managed to squeeze in one more walk around the centre to stamp our Diving log books which we got to bring home as a memento of our amazing trip.
The children were impeccably well behaved which was commented on by a number of staff who said they were some of the best children to have ever visited them! Well done R1, you were superb today and made everyone incredibly proud with your wonderful enthusiasm and fabulous behaviour.
We'd also like to say a big thank you to our parent helpers who accompanied the children and staff. You were very much appreciated.
It really did all go 'swimmingly'!