Fantastic Fractions

Lesson: Maths

We have been looking at fraction recently in our Maths learning and were struggling with equivalent fractions (e.g. two quarters are the same as one half, etc.). To combat this each of the children were given a slice of bread which they were tasked with cutting in half. They then put on half on top of the other to show that two halves are equal. Then they put the two slices next to each other again to show that two halves make a whole. Then the children took one of the halves and cut it in half making two quarters. These two quarters were put on the other half to show that two quarters are the same as one half. 

We did lots of talking in this sessions, holding up the different pieces of bread and explaining to our partners what we knew and why and how we knew this.

Of course, the children's favourite part of the lesson was simply eating the bread once all the Maths was finished!

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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