Class Six Crave Classical
Lesson: Music
This half term in music we are learning all about tempo. This is the Italian term for speed. We also learnt the Italian musical terms for fast (allegro), medium speed (moderato) and slow (adagio). The children had to hold up the correct musical term for the tempo whilst listening to a selection of music ranging from music from film and television (Superman and Doctor Who, hence the funny faces and stances), music from operas, heavy metal drum solos and experimental classical composers like John Cage. The children were really enthused and remembered the terminology a week later. Our piece of the half term is Sergei Prokofiev's 'Peter and the Wolf' whilst the children are really enjoying picking out the different themes for the various characters. In our WOW writing on Friday, we wrote a newspaper report based upon this story. Lock up your ducks and out for those wolves! One last game was a variation on the Viking longboat PE game where when I shouted "ALLEGRO!" they were to run around outside, "MODERATO!" they were to walk normally and finally "ADAGIO" they were to move as slow as possible.