Class 5J - Design Technology Week - Moving Cam Toys 1

Lesson: Design and technology


This week pupils in Class 5J have been developing their repertoire of design and technological skills. At the start of the week, they were provided with a design brief- To create a moving toy, which included a cam mechanism, to entertain a younger child or sibling. The children started the project by researching and investigating cams within toys and moving mechanisms, and then moved onto seeing examples of automaton toys. Following on from this they were asked to create design ideas for their own moving toy based around a cuboid shape structure to house the mechanism.

Next, the children moved onto creating their cuboid jinx frame cuboid using wooden strips and card triangles. Careful measurement and sawing of the wood was vital to ensure that the separate parts of the frame would match once joined together to make the cuboid.

After successful construction of the frame, the children began to measure and cut their card panelling to create the cuboid faces. The process of adding in the cam, dowel, follower and feeder were completed whilst joining the side and floor panels. 

The children spent a considerable amount of time perfecting their structure and these were superb!

Please go to the next Class 5J gallery item to view the fantastic final products and evaluations.,



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Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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